Consumer Data: How to Listen on Another Level

Posted Posted in Crypto, Fraud Prevention, Member Owned and Operated, Merchant Services, Payments, Sales, sales person, Surcharging

Every time a customer engages with us, they speak volumes about what works and what doesn’t. They tell us how to better reach and serve them. They give us a wealth of information, often without saying a word. Now and certainly in the future, leading businesses are defined by how well they can hear this […]

COCARD: Member-Owned, Merchant-Driven

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Crypto, Fraud Prevention, Member Owned and Operated, Merchant Services, Payments, Sales, sales person, Surcharging, Uncategorized

COCARD was founded over twenty years ago with a single vision: to become the top company in the payments space. We’ve achieved this ambitious goal by sticking to some key principles, such as providing members with real ownership of our success, and by always leading the industry with innovative technologies and practices. The secret to […]

Reaching Merchants in a Brave New World

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How has the pandemic impacted your professional life? If things are a little out of whack since 2020 began, you’re certainly not alone. At COCARD, we see opportunity in any change, even the seismic shift of the last couple of years. We turned a challenge into an opportunity, growing our member-owned network by over 40% […]

Digital Wallets: Taking The POS Space by Storm

Posted Posted in Fraud Prevention, Member Owned and Operated, Merchant Services, Payments, Sales

You probably remember the first time you saw it, that moment of confusion, curiosity, and interest. You watched the person in front of you in line simply wave their phone over the credit card reader, and after the confirmation ding, the receipt was printed and they were on their way. What the heck just happened? […]

Members Capitalize on a Powerful Network with COCARD

Posted Posted in Member Owned and Operated, Merchant Services, Payments

At COCARD, we don’t just have members; we have partners. As a member-owned network of ISOs (independent sales offices), we strive to make sure our products and services add maximum value to our members, merchants, and their customers. If a single part of that chain isn’t getting the absolute most out of their relationship with […]

The Changing Face of Credit Card Surcharging

Posted Posted in Surcharging

As businesses continue to feel the pain of the COVID-19 pandemic, merchants in Kansas are breathing a sigh of relief. This is because recently a state law that banned surcharging in Kansas was declared unconstitutional. This means that business owners can now legally share their processing fees with their customers by adding a surcharge to […]

Crypto Rewards: Niche Market or Game Changer?

Posted Posted in Crypto, Uncategorized

Over the last few years, the frenzied speculation of cryptomania has given way to an understanding that cryptocurrency is here to stay.
More and more, businesses are accepting major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as payment, and credit card providers are starting to offer them as rewards.
Earning cryptocurrency as cashback is a major innovation, with unique challenges and benefits for consumers.
Time will tell whether this remains a niche offering for crypto enthusiasts, or whether more people are drawn to the opportunity to earn a solid return on their rewards.